You can be confident about this year and all that it entails! You just need a clear, strong plan of the content you want to cover. I’ll teach you how!
We’ll walk through my planning process and how the planning time spent up front reaps rewards, for both you and your students.
Are you already thinking about how you need a pre-assessment at the beginning of the year? We’ll dive into the most effective way to pre-assess your students and actually use the data.
to help create a routine of building number sense with your students
Please register below to reserve your seat. Then, check your email for the registration confirmation and the link to join the training. You will receive a few additional emails and a reminder on the day of the training.
Mark your calendar and plan to log in a few minutes before the training begins.
Each session is the same training! Please only register for one.
I’m Noelle and I want to help you be an extraordinary math teacher!
I founded Maneuvering the Middle because math teachers are often asked to do too much with too little. Our MTM team supports teachers like you by providing standards-based, engaging math resources and a community of like-minded educators to walk with you along the way.