In this 3-6 day Financial Literacy 7th Grade Project, students will apply concepts of personal budgets and minimum household budgets to research cost of living for remote working clients in various cities.
Standards: CCSS (MP1, MP4, 7.RP.3) and TEKS (7.13B, 7.13D)
Students will take on the role of an employee working for “Remote Possibilities”, a company that helps clients who work remotely to determine the best location to live based on the client’s income, financial goals, and lifestyle desires. Students will understand and apply concepts of personal budgets and minimum household budgets. Students will also practice calculating percents.
This real-world Financial Literacy 7th Grade Project is intended to provide engaging opportunities for extension and application of skills. It can serve as an assessment of students’ understanding while encouraging inquiry and critical thinking among students. This project is flexible in nature and includes teaching slides, warm-ups, exit tickets, student recording sheets and a project overview to help you structure class time and implement project components as smoothly as possible.
What is included in THIS Financial Literacy 7th Grade Project?
- Teaching Slides – display the material in class
- Warm-ups – provide a quick review on the math content needed to complete the project
- Exit Tickets – check for content understanding
- Student Recording Sheets – students can show their research steps and calculations
- Project Overview – detailed directions for ease of use, teacher lesson plans for each stage of the project
- Grading Rubric – streamline the grading process
How to use this resource:
- Use with partners or independently to complete as a semester-end project
- Use as an alternative semester assessment
- Grab the first semester 7th Grade Project on Rational Numbers.
Materials and Time Requirement:
- This Financial Literacy 7th Grade Project can be completed within 3-6 class days. Students will need access to a computer and internet to research city recommendations and create a portfolio for their client.
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Maneuvering the Middle® Terms of Use: Products by Maneuvering the Middle®, LLC may be used by the purchaser for their classroom use only. This is a single classroom license only. All rights reserved. Resources may only be posted online in an LMS such as Google Classroom, Canvas, or Schoology. Students should be the only ones able to access the resources. It is a copyright violation to upload the files to school/district servers or shared Google Drives. See more information on our terms of use here.
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