“I now use the videos for students to complete the handouts and practice while I meet with small groups to supplement with skill building related to the handouts. Accountability has been shifted to students to use the videos for instruction and to take responsibility for their own learning. I am more of a facilitator, helping them ‘get it’.”
All Access Member
“It has saved me so much time with planning and I can spend more time at home with my family. I teach 6th through 8th and Algebra 1 so it normally takes a long time to plan. Everything is cohesive and helps me transition from year to year. The videos are also wonderful. I use them in one of my classes as a flipped classroom. I also use the videos for when students are absent and it helps them to not get behind. I am so grateful that I am able to use this curriculum.”
All Access Member
In 2014, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics published a book, Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All. In Principles to Actions, NCTM sets forth a set of “strongly recommended, research-informed actions for all teachers, coaches, and specialists in mathematics; all school and district administrators; and all educational leaders and policymakers.”
Though Maneuvering the Middle has not conducted a formal study, we design our materials to support the NCTM Principles to Actions.
Please review the NCTM Principles to Actions and feel free to reach out to our team for additional information.
Maneuvering the Middle currently offers alignment for both TEKS and CCSS.
In September 2023, All Access by Maneuvering the Middle was reviewed for alignment to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills by an independent curriculum review service, Learning List. After the standard-by-standard review of our curricula’s alignment to content, context, and cognitive rigor, All Access received 100% alignment in all four grade levels.
*Learning List provides independent reviews of K-12 instructional materials and online courses. To see Learning List’s professional reviews and alignment reports for our products, go to Learninglist.com.
Maneuvering the Middle resources are designed with students in mind. The scaffolding supports both the concrete, representational, abstract sequence for learning mathematics, as well as a progression from basic to complex. This gives students confidence in their mathematical abilities and allows them to logically organize their learning. In addition, problem types, activity formats, and visual design all encourage students to engage with math and collaborate with their peers.
Maneuvering the Middle currently offers alignment for both TEKS and CCSS.
Maneuvering the Middle resources are designed around the standards with thoughtful attention given to the specific verbiage, terms, and examples included throughout. Curricula is developed in a cohesive and comprehensive process to support students’ mastery of all grade-level standards.
In September 2023, All Access by Maneuvering the Middle was reviewed for alignment to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills by an independent curriculum review service, Learning List. After the standard-by-standard review of our curricula’s alignment to content, context, and cognitive rigor, All Access received 100% alignment in all four grade levels.
Maneuvering the Middle resources include abundant connections to real-life situations and skills, allowing a more meaningful and lasting learning experience for students. As math skills are applied, students grow in their ability to problem solve and emerge as stronger critical thinkers. Application problems are rich in context, relevant to 21st century learners, and are integrated throughout the entire curricula.
Maneuvering the Middle resources are organized and sequenced to allow for easy integration into a variety of teaching models, classroom timeframes, and campus bell schedules. Materials are presented in a way that is easy to understand, implement and allows educators to find what they need to best support their students’ success.
“I just wanted to email you and thank you and your team for all you do! This year my 8th grade math team and I used your entire curriculum and we saw scores that we have never seen before (93% passing)! I work at a low income Title 1 school where majority of my kids came to me hating math and over half did not pass the STAAR test the year before. I seriously believe that because of your materials my students started to actually enjoy math. I personally used almost everything in the curriculum and my students grew this year more than I could have imagined! Every student but 1 passed the STAAR test this year and this is coming from the same group of students who came to me with less than half passing during 7th grade!
I just want to say THANK YOU! You have a truly made a difference in not only my teaching but many others on my campus as well!!”
All Access Member
“We are able to close gaps, provide re-teach opportunities and accelerate with the program. We have shown great success for all students. We are also able to reach students who are absent or in alternate placements so they do not get behind when they are not in our classroom. The digital components for videos, lessons, and activities are amazing in this ever changing world of technology. MTM helps us answer the four PLC questions every time we plan. We are MTM’s biggest cheerleaders on our campus. I would share our success stories with anyone.”
All Access +
Intervention Member
Teachers and instructional coaches gain access to our MTM Platform to view curriculum materials, planning documents and training videos. Account administrators use the platform to manage and assign licenses.
Our school licensing is calculated per teacher per content area. It is based on the number of teachers utilizing the resources, not the number of students in each section.
If a campus has two math teachers:
Then the campus needs 4 licenses:
Our team is happy to assist in your school purchasing!
Please complete this form to receive a quote, sample, and/or follow-up from our team.
After reviewing the quote, if you would like to move forward with the purchase, follow the steps below.
PO: If paying with a purchase order, use the quote to obtain an approved PO. Once you have a copy of an approved PO, please submit it along with a signed copy of the quote at the link below.
School Purchase Submission Form
Credit Card: Please submit a signed copy of the quote at the link below and we will provide an invoice with payment instructions ASAP.
All Access is a full curriculum that is designed to meet all the grade level standards. Many teachers and schools use this as their primary curriculum. However, it can also be used to supplement other required curriculum by providing interactive activities, scaffolded guided notes, and an instructional video library.
Maneuvering Math is a skill-based, small group intervention program. It is designed to support the RTI process and focuses on Tier 2 and Tier 3 instruction. Many teachers and schools use these resources in an intervention class period or as materials for a pull out program.
For information on the instructional design, research-based information, or to request a sample, please reach out to our team.
Please request a sample to view our Standards Correlation document for each grade level. This document displays the lesson objectives and standards covered within each unit to determine if our curriculum is a good fit for your district required calendar.
Please note, our units are flexible and can be rearranged to fit the scope and sequence you are asked to follow. Our platform allows for easy searching and filtering to navigate the resources. Click here to view a video of the platform.
Has your state recently transitioned away from CCSS? Email our team to request a standards alignment guide to compare our CCSS curriculum with your state’s new standards.
The first step in the process is to request a quote for the resource that the teacher currently owns through our website shop. Once the school account is set up, we can cancel the teacher’s personal license.
If you have any questions regarding next steps please contact our schools team at schools@maneuveringthemiddle.com.
“My biggest win was the ability for my students to work on skills through the intervention program and be able to perform well on the same concepts in their general education mathematics classes. I have many different types of problems to allow students to practice their fluency and ground their understanding.”
Maneuvering Math Member
“Students who struggle need consistency. The activities are the same but the content changes. Having the same format makes it easier to let students work independently while I work with a smaller group.”
Maneuvering Math Member
“This was the best resource for a first year teacher. I found it super helpful, because I was worried of what or how to go about teaching math to my students. I know that I can ask my colleagues in my department to help but MTM was so helpful! I was able to understand how to teach my students to where they understand and it helped me mentally to prepare what we are going over in the classroom. I feel the biggest win was definitely how open the material is and how easy it is to access the materials.”
All Access Member
“I transitioned from high school to middle school last year, and your 7th and 6th grade resources quite literally saved my life. I could not have done last year or this virtual year without your incredible resources.
You definitely have a little cult of followers in our district. You were recommended to me by a coworker who uses your 8th grade and Algebra resources. We also recently had to pick out new textbooks as a district, and a group of us had a moment where we agreed, “These resources are cool, but I still haven’t seen anything that would make me quit using MTM.”
All Access Member