If you are a math teacher with struggling students then you have probably thought...
“It’s so hard to teach a concept without leaving someone behind.”
“My class has so many ability levels and they all come with different prior knowledge”
“I really don’t know where to start with math intervention.”
If you’re a math intervention teacher, have struggling math students in your class, or are tasked with the responsibility of bringing students up to grade-level, then you probably already know that you need a step-by-step program so that you don’t continue spinning your wheels trying to meet everyone’s needs.
You probably have spent hours searching the internet trying to find the perfect lesson that will allow you to specifically target each individual student.
And, likely you have also spent sleepless nights feeling overwhelmed with the planning to differentiate for your students.
There is a better way.

It is not uncommon for schools to allocate time in the schedule for math intervention, but typically the expectations are few and far between with little guidance and lack of support.
Even if you are lucky enough to have time dedicated to math intervention, having a step-by-step program can:
Students are capable of being successful in math! Some might need you to help fill in the gaps. A step-by-step program allows you to systematically meet their needs.
When students are successful they actually begin to enjoy math class and their confidence grows exponentially.
With a step-by-step program, you get to quit the time-consuming practice of searching the internet and settling for subpar materials.
Hands-on, small group focused, and individualized are all priorities so that you can meet every student where they’re at.
If you’re a math intervention teacher, have struggling math students in your class, or are tasked with the responsibility of bringing students up to grade-level, then you probably already know that you need a step-by-step program so that you don’t continue spinning your wheels trying to meet everyone’s needs.
You probably have spent hours searching the internet trying to find the perfect lesson that will allow you to specifically target each individual student.
And, likely you have also spent sleepless nights feeling overwhelmed with the planning to differentiate for your students.
There is a better way.
What makes Maneuvering Math™ so different?
Maneuvering Math™ is designed to target struggling math students through Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions that are small group focused. Our framework provides a leveled structure so you can fill in gaps of foundational math concepts, build your student's self confidence, and get hours back in your day.
Here's How Maneuvering Math™ Works
Building the foundation of the number system and how numbers are represented in various ways
- Exponents
- Order of Operations
- Prime Factorization
- Properties of Operations
- Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
- Ordering Rational Numbers
- Approximating Irrationals
Operating with integers, fractions, and decimals
- Adding Integers
- Subtracting Integers
- Multiplying and Dividing Integers
- Equivalent Fractions
- Adding Fractions
- Subtracting Fractions
- Multiplying Fractions
- Dividing Fractions
- Adding and Subtracting Decimals
- Multiplying Decimals
- Dividing Decimals
- Operations with Multiple Steps
Representing proportional and non-proportional relationships in various forms
- Identifying Functions
- Slope
- Tables
- Graphs
- Writing Equations
- Multiple Representations
Understanding and applying ratios, rates, and proportions
- Ratios
- Rates
- Measurement Conversions
- Proportions
- Percents
- Percent of Change
Solving and applying equations and inequalities
- One-Step Equations
- One-Step Inequalities
- Two-Step Equations
- Two-Step Inequalities
- Equations with Variables on Both Sides
Similarity, understanding the coordinate plane and translations on it, and applying the Pythagorean theorem
- Graphing Ordered Pairs
- Similar Figures
- Translations
- Reflections
- Rotations
- Dilations
- Pythagorean Theorem
Calculating and applying area, circumference, and volume of 2D and 3D shapes
- Area of Rectangles and Parallelograms
- Area of Triangles and Trapezoids
- Circumference and Area of Circles
- Composite Area
- Volume of Prisms
- Volume of Pyramids
- Volume of Cylinders
- Volume of Cones
- Volume of Spheres
Analyzing and displaying data in various types of graphs
- Measures of Center
- Measures of Variability
- Dot Plots
- Histograms
- Box Plots
- Displaying Percentages
- Scatter Plots
Exploring the probability of simple and compound events
- Probability of Simple Events
- Theoretical and Experimental Probability
- Probability of Compound Events
What kind of classroom is this for?

How Does the Licensing Work?
How Much Does it Cost?
I'm Purchasing for
- $289/year single teacher license
- Renews Annually
I'm Purchasing for
My School
- starting at $289/year single teacher license
- Volume discounts apply
Does this align with the TEKS or CCSS?
Maneuvering Math™ is comprehensive, so skills from 6th-8th grade (even some 5th grade review) will all be included.
When we organized the content and determined the concepts to include we referenced both the TEKS and CCSS, while focusing on the essential math concepts. Unlike our curriculum which is standards-based, Maneuvering Math™ is skill-based. These key skills will support a student's ability so they can be successful with the standards.
How is this different from Maneuvering the Middle® curriculum?
Maneuvering the Middle® math curriculum is standards-based and available by grade level for both the CCSS and TEKS. Those materials speak to the depth and complexity of the standards and include everything you need for all grade level standards.
Maneuvering Math™ is a skill-based intervention program for grades 6-8. This is not a curriculum and will not cover each and every standard for 6th -8th grade. It does include key skills and topics (see above) to support Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention. It is small group based and materials are leveled so that students can be working on the same skill, but at different levels.
We know the standards are critical, so we have included a standards-alignment chart for you to reference.
What training is included?
We have included a “Start Here” portion of the membership, to fully support your implementation of Maneuvering Math™. This training includes an organization of materials and how to get set up, a daily number sense routine teacher guide, and a getting started with small groups guide.
What new resources will be included?
As a member of Maneuvering Math™ you will receive access to current content and new resources. We fully believe in the ability to access everything that your students might need, so all materials are available for you as long as you maintain your membership.
On the first of every month, you will receive an email with notifications of the new monthly content, as well as what you can anticipate for the following month. The monthly content includes one video training as well as student resources that you can put to use in your classroom.
What grade-levels is this for?
We designed this program to include skills from 6th-8th grade (even some 5th as it pertains to number sense and numerical operations). Our best suggestion is to view the topics and skills above to fully see what is covered and ensure that it is a good fit for you and your students.
Is this low prep?
No, it does require preparation to ensure that you have the materials organized and ready to go. This is not a worksheet driven program, but a center-based program in which materials will need to be prepared. We want to be upfront about this.
Within the Maneuvering Math™ membership we have provided step-by-step videos and many different examples of how to prepare and organize the content. We will walk you through the process.
What is my membership commitment?
Maneuvering Math™ is a subscription-based membership program with the option of a monthly or annual renewal. Once you join, your price will not change for the life of your membership. If however, you choose to cancel your membership and then desire to start again, you will not be able to rejoin at your original price. An active member is someone who is up to date on all payments. For more details on our membership terms and policies click here.
What are your licensing terms?
We encourage you to read the licensing terms associated with Maneuvering Math™ prior to purchasing. We want to be sure that this is the best fit for you and your students.
Do you accept purchase orders?
Yes, we do accept purchase orders. In order to provide you with a custom quote, please contact usto get the process started.
Can you use grant money on this?
Great question! Each grant is going to have specific requirements, so you will have to double check the specifics of the program. That being said Maneuvering Math™ is designed as a Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention for students who have previously struggled in math content.
Are you an approved vendor in my district?
Feel free to contact usto check on our approved vendor status. We can easily complete the paperwork in a timely fashion.
What manipulatives do you need for the program?
We highly encourage the use of manipulatives, so that students can move from concrete to abstract understanding.
must have materials: dry erase pockets (or lamination), dry erase markers, colored card stock for organization and leveling
critical manipulatives: two-color counters, individual number lines, linking cubes (sometimes called unifix or snap cubes), fraction bars or circles, algebra tiles
suggested manipulatives: dice, spinners, a set of 3d shapes, XY coordinate pegboard, AngLegs, pattern blocks