If you are reading this blog, then chances are that you love teaching; more specifically, you love teaching math! Teaching and teaching math are a multi-faceted skills that require us to constantly learn: new strategies, new techniques, new ways to use intervention, new models, and the list goes on and on. Math conferences are a place for teachers to sharpen their skills and learn from others in the profession. Maneuvering the Middle will be at one this summer, and we want to see you!
Reasons to attend a math conference
If you are a reader outside of Texas, The National Conference of Teachers of Mathematics has locations across the country. NCTM has a annual national conference in the spring and several regional conferences in the fall. Conferences are a great way to learn from others in the profession, hear new ideas, and get a taste for what is going on outside your campus. Recently, Noelle attended TCEA, ASCD, and CAMT in recent years.
The conference Maneuvering the Middle will be attending in 2018 is The Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching or CAMT. “CAMT’s mission is to assist in upgrading the quality of mathematics education in the state of Texas by presenting an annual conference for teachers and supervisors of mathematics designed to improve the knowledge and skills of mathematics teachers and supervisors.” This summer CAMT will be held in the George R. Brown Convention Center from July 16th through July 18th in Houston, Texas. Last year, Noelle and I taught professional development on Small Group Intervention, and we had a blast.
learn from other great teachers and authors
Session leaders and speakers are teachers with years of experience! I love learning from rockstars within the profession. You can choose which sessions would benefit you and your students the most. CAMT is a conference for all grade level teachers, but since we specialize in middle school, these are the three sessions we are the most excited about that are tailored for 6th through 8th grade.
1. Fast Facts and Fractions
“Four out of three students struggle with fractions! And the other 50% struggle with their times tables. Overcoming these two hurdles is essential to success in middle and high school algebra. See how I helped my intervention students master all fraction operations and learn their multiplication facts.”
2. #CloneMe
“Have you ever stressed wondering if the material you left for the sub is being taught correctly? Come see multiple ways to implement videos into your instruction…that can be used for a plethora of activity types within your classroom (i.e. flipped classrooms, intervention, substitute days, and centers/stations).”
3. Grit in Mathematics: Designing Lessons to Cultivate Passion and Perseverance
“…Participants will learn practical ways to infuse their mathematics courses with passion and perseverance in an effort to generate a culture of gritty and inspired students.”
I couldn’t stop at three. Here is one more.
4. Students, Take the Wheel— Driving Personalized Learning with Data
“Teachers have been using formative and summative data to drive their instruction for a long time… What would happen if the students were given that power? What would happen if we allowed them to identify, analyze, and use data from their learning? This session is all about empowering students to accurately assess their current level of proficiency in the classroom and be active agents in their data driven personalized learning.”
There are hundreds of unique sessions that address everything from conceptual learning to management to using technology to using foldables to making math even more fun. You can read about more of the sessions here. If you don’t see me at the booth, it will be because I am going to be soaking up some knowledge at these sessions.
visit the exhibit halls
Math conferences have exhibit halls that showcase many teacher products and resources that you can see in person. You can find us at booth 325 in the exhibit hall at CAMT. Here is a peek at last year’s booth and a few pictures of some of our readers who came out to visit us.
At our booth, you will be able to see Maneuvering the Middle resources and activities printed and see ideas on how we organize and store materials. We will have raffle prizes, you can take pictures at our photobooth, and we will have some really fun math t-shirts! Mostly, we want to meet you, so please come say hi!!
What math conferences have you attended? Will we get to see you at CAMT?