That first week of school can be so overwhelming! I don't know about you, but I really want to get to know my students. I want to develop a classroom community, set procedures (I am super picky), but I have this conflicting feeling inside that says, "I don't have enough days. I will be behind". Also, there is usually some pressure from administrators and the curriculum to not "waste ...
Bright Idea: The Sticky Side of Painters Tape
With July ending and August around the corner, this Bright Idea will be one you can use all year long. I personally have used this in the math classroom, but I have seen it in social studies as well. It basically is a revamp of the number line (or time line, or sequencing events in a story, etc). Enter the key ingredient: Painters Tape Painters tape can be found at any home ...
Substitute Trouble in Secondary
I recall when my substitute instructions looked like this: Not the best instructions and consequently my students were unlikely to complete their work, it was almost like a waste of a day. Can anyone relate? Along the way, I realized that the more clear instructions I left, the more likely I was to return to peace, calm, completed work, and a good report. That's the goal, ...
Successful 50 Minute Classes {Part 2}
Earlier this week, I began a blog series Successful 50 Minute Classes. This year I am working with some brand new first year teachers, so this has been constantly on my mind. Plus, it is easy to get caught by the bell when you are rocking and rolling! Today, I am going to focus on the small things that eat away at those 50 minutes, without us even realizing. Supplies Scissors, ...
Successful 50 Minute Classes {Part 1}
What should a typical 50 minute class look like? Just like any other classroom question, it is going to look different in each classroom. There are components will benefit students and teachers alike, that I would venture to say are necessary. Part of these components tend to be on the routines and procedures aspect of the classroom dynamics, while others are more essential for the ...
Whole Numbers & Decimal Operations {5th Grade}
This summer has been busy! I have been overseas on a mission trip, Denver for a wedding, and then parked on my couch working on new units. My newest unit covers the second half of the Common Core Standards Grade 5 Number and Operations in Base Ten! { 5.NBT.B.5} {5.NBT.B.6} {5.NBT.B.7} In the midst of working on this unit, I have been studying the CCSS in depth and with great ...
6 Steps to a More Peaceful Classroom (Part 2)
This week we are discussing how to be best prepared for a calm and collected classroom environment. If you missed Part 1 be sure to check it out here. Next on the list are two more successful methods for strong classroom management skills: 3. Be consistent Being consistent is by far my greatest struggle. Consistency is all encompassing in the classroom and ...
Classroom Mangement on One Page
After thinking through all of things classroom management, I remembered one of the simplest procedures I implemented a few years ago. I used to call it the Panther Express Card, because we were Panthers :) I made a few modifications and now call it an Express Card. I love using it in class! Basically every student receives one each grading period. I copy it onto colored card stock ...
6 Steps to a More Peaceful Classroom (Part 1)
As a teacher it is common to hear phrases like, "this has been the most difficult year" or "I am counting down until May". In fact, I have said those same things multiple times. Putting paper to pencil, I came up with a list of six key steps to a more peaceful classroom. Over the next three days week I will be sharing these steps, so that we can start the year off right with a ...