Lesson Planning
Effective lesson planning is one of the keys to student success. It provides a sequence of activities and instruction that brings students from a basic understanding to a more complex one. The posts below offer lesson planning ideas including unit planning, templates, engaging classroom activities to incorporate, and even professional learning community tips.

Self-Checking Activities in Math

The Benefits of Math Projects

The Flipped Classroom

Linear Equations Activity Ideas

The Distributive Property

Tips for Teaching Simplifying Expressions

Structuring a 60 Minute Class Period

Teaching Scientific Notation and Exponents

Are Math Pre-Assessments Necessary?

Structuring a 45 Minute Class Period

A Plan to Unfinished Learning

Back-to-School Round Up

Ordering Rational Numbers

Planning and Designing PBL Projects in Math

What Makes Maneuvering the Middle Different

Teaching Multiplying and Dividing Integers

Multiplying Fractions with Models

Strengthening Classroom Culture Through Projects

Volume Activities and 7 Teaching Tips

How to Teach Solving for Y

Teaching Math Vocabulary that Sticks

5 Statistics Activities for Middle School

Strategies for Teaching Math Concepts

Concrete Representational Abstract Sequence

Higher Level Thinking with Bloom’s Taxonomy